About Dr. Hung Chang, CHEN

Dr. Hung Chang, CHEN

Physician Chen Papers

Dr. Chen continues to advance the
practice of plastic surgery and patient
care, publishing the most recent research
findings in prestigious international
journals. Many papers have been
accepted and published by the leading
plastic surgery journal: Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery.

陳宏彰醫師的研究表現  住院醫師期間,對於燒傷治療與後續重建有興趣,在楊瑞永教授指導下 發表2篇文章於醫學期刊。 Hung-Chang Chen, Jui-Yung Yang , Shiow-Shuh Chuang, Chun-Yuan Huang, Shih-Yi Yang ; Heterotopic ossification in burns: Our experience and literature reviews;...
智能手機結合人工智慧深度學習軟體,預測上眼瞼下垂程度,下眼瞼緣退縮程度,與提眼瞼肌功能(中文)   Smartphone- Based, Deep Learning Prediction of Margin Reflex Distance 1, Margin Reflex Distance 2 and Levator muscle function measurements(英文)   新聞稿 雙眼皮手術一直是前三名最熱門整型手術之一,...
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