About Dr. Hung Chang, CHEN
Dr. Hung Chang, CHEN
Physician Chen Papers
Dr. Chen continues to advance the
practice of plastic surgery and patient
care, publishing the most recent research
findings in prestigious international
journals. Many papers have been
accepted and published by the leading
plastic surgery journal: Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery.
Tarsal epithelial cysts (TECs) are squamous epithelial-lined lesions of the eyelid that are often mistaken for chalazia or epidermal inclusion cysts. They remain poorly described in the literature. This study is...
Heterotopic ossification (HO) is an uncommon, but high profile complication of burns. In this paper, a retrospective study was undertaken to evaluate our treatment and results of HO. Relevant literature was also...
The resurfacing of soft tissue over extensor side of elbow joint after a full thickness burn injury is challenging due to greater amount of soft tissue needed. Local or regional flaps in the upper limb are not readily...
Multi-drug Resistant Acinetobacter Baubannii (MDRAB) has been bring the great concern for infection control in hospitalized patients, particularly those in intensive- care units (ICUs) such as burn unit in recent...
教學熱忱 參與教學活動 每星期二 一般整形外科晨會(附件1) 30mins最新燒燙傷論文及美容論文討論 30mins 特殊個案討論及相關論文研討 每月一次Burn ICU grand round(附件1) 住院醫師, PGY醫師,醫學生 burn case teaching and discussion 長庚大學呼吸治療學系,重症呼吸照護學: (附件2) TOPIC: Burn and inhalation injury;...
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